Monday, January 2, 2012

Stop with the Resolutions Already!

Resolution: a firm decision to do or not do something.

Frankly, I think resolutions are stupid.  Every year you make one and every year you forget it in a month. Instead of making a "firm decision to do or not do something", make some goals for yourself for 2012.  It is so much easier to set several small goals and perhaps one or two big ones for yourself for the year.
Write them down and track them so that you can go back and look and see how you are doing or how you did for the year.  Here are my Goals for 2012:

1. Run 2 Half Marathons (and have one under 2 hours)
2. Log 1000 miles (that is roughly 2.7 miles a day, totally doable)
3. Save more money. Start Couponing (not extreme do not worry), quit wasting.
         (I know this one is broad, but I don't feel like detailing my finances on a blog :) )
4. Have at least one date night a month with the hubby
5. Spend more quality time with the Big Man upstairs...I have been slacking lately and find myself making excuses like lack of time, blah blah...

Bigger Goals (these I will not feel bad if I do not do as they are much bigger goals for the long run)
1. Train and run a full marathon
2. Make baby steps towards my dream job...for a later post :)

What are your New Years Goals?


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